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Sensivic launches QILPI, the first digital solution against verbal abuse


All the vagaries of the world such as Covid, the problems of product shortages, the lack of services, the current political and societal tensions are driving forces that exacerbate the problem of rising violence. In most cases, the process of violence starts with a verbal assault. Detecting it automatically in real time makes it possible to act from the very first moments and to give oneself the means to stop the process of violence.

Sensivic has developed an intelligent audio detection technology solution that detects verbal abuse as soon as it occurs. This solution was previously available in the form of plug & play detectors to protect individuals in fixed areas. We are now launching a smartphone app to protect mobile teams.

Sensivic has deployed its technology to everyday devices

Our automated real-time verbal abuse detection solution is now available on mobile as QILPI ✨

This app for smart phones (Android) is designed to protect a mobile and supportive community from verbal abuse. Much more responsive than the push button (physical or digital), QILPI will constantly analyze the sound landscape and detect verbal abuse in real time.

It works in the background. She identifies the sudden variations of prosody: sudden sonorous rises of the voice, associated with sudden accelerations of the syllabic rhythm. These elements reflect strong anger, anger, aggressive behaviour.

Who is the mobile app for ?

All employees confronted with the public who suffer the scourge of verbal abuse and need protection: avoid stress, injuries, physical damage, optimise the quality of life at work, limit potential financial losses to the company, etc.

  • Human security

  • Law enforcement, firefighters...

  • Reception Teams

  • Monitoring Teams

  • Commercial Teams

  • Delivery Teams

  • Public Administration

  • Health teams

  • Teachers

  • Elected

  • Remote, fragile communities

A mobile app with 3 key features: simple, practical and effective

  1. Automatic detection of verbal abuse (via smartphone), and universal.

  2. Real-time alerts on a Manager interface (via a tablet or smartphone, or your own team management interface)

  3. Activation of rescue (via the piloting interface): geolocation of the victim, activation of the nearest crew member(s), activation of reinforcements.


To learn more about our application, Qilpi :

Tél.: +33 2 38 69 82 96 Email:


Learn more about Sensivic and its intelligent audio detection solutions :

Tél.: +33 2 38 69 82 96

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